WhatsApp has become very popular in many countries. No doubts, WhatsApp is the most used messenger app today. Since the no. of users and popularity have increased, WhatsApp started bringing new ideas, technologies and features to it. Recently a spam message in form of a Business Card ( Contact ) found spreading on WhatsApp. Without any prior intimations, users are receiving a business card from an unknown number. The number of the sender starts with the country code +1, which belongs to the US. When a user receives a business card, usually they open it and there are chances that they even save it on their device. But, what happens when you open this specific business card we are discussing about? This is a trap, when you open and save, this malware can enter on to your phone, it could steal all your personal data, saved credentials and more. You may think, oh, this is just a business card and how can a simple business card steal my da...
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